
Politics Gets More Depressing

Well, it's looking like the Liberals are further messing up the state of their party. Meanwhile a poll suggested last week that the Conservatives are nearing potential majority status.

Mr Ignatief has pulled a Dion-like move with his strategy to not tell anyone his platform details for fear of the Conservatives snagging all his planks, meanwhile petty childishness erodes any firmness to their Quebec numbers.

Meanwhile the NDP are sheepishly hiding due to their support of the Conservative agenda on the last vote, and the Greens are snoozing as well.

I am really truly worried about what would happen to the country if the conservatives got a majority. I would actually start investigating possible other destinations to live. Perhaps somewhere in a UN highly ranked country like Norway or something. I truly think we'd see totalitarian moves to oppress the people, move religious-right policy into place, isolate the media, eliminate public broadcaster, keep most of government out of the public visibility, move the country closer to the US, eliminate the Canadian dollar, make guns wide-open for broad availability, move our incarceration rate up as high as the US and so on. Our treatment of Canadians abroad, our positions in international bodies and our environmental positions have all been eroded to embarrassingly malformed states.

There is absolutely a secret agenda waiting. We see it regularly in the strategy of the PMO to silence their people so that their constantly mouth-occupying feet don't get exposed. Their racism and intolerance would be set free, and their ideology would guide all their paths. They know that the fear-factor has held them back from majority territory, so they've tried to have us forget the crazy stuff they espoused early in their formation.

Even worse, with a majority all of the Bush/Cheney advisors who find themselves impotent in the USA would be quickly employed (some already are) by the Conservatives, and we'd get to experience that regime ourselves. Welcome to 2001.

Ignatief has got to lay open his kimono and make take ownership of his platform. Yes, Harper will steal parts of it, but that won't be hard to prove. In fact, plan on it. Introduce the platform, point out the government's position, and as each plank is stolen be ready to point out that they have done so to prop up their minority.

It sounds like an election has been delayed until at least Q1 of 2010. Let's hope we can find some way to make it an election that makes Canada a better place than a worse one.

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