
Timing is Everything

Interesting point I hadn't thought about before from an interview I saw last night on CBC news. One of the big motivators for the PM calling an election early is the big US election with its mass appeal.

If that election is fought late this year with all its associated press feeding frenzy and the perceived building love-in with Barack Obama, what is the impact for a crazy right wing government in Canada?

I think it makes a ton of sense. Surely it will be inspiring for voters above the border to jump on the bandwagon of a youthful idealistic visionary, versus a dour, negative, control freak. Not sure who benefits here. Greens? NDP? Liberals? Dion doesn't have any charisma, so perhaps the other two both get a bump. That would be interesting, but still leave us with a minority gov't though.

The Greens are led by a bible-thumping former minister apparently (they keep that part very quiet), so it almost seems like Jack Layton might actually get the better part of that. Liberals under Ignatief or Ray could do pretty well in that environment, but they can't get there until they get rid of that albatross around their neck.

The crazy 'election day' thing Harper put in place is looking lamer and lamer. Do they know anything about the parliamentary system? It makes no sense at all in a system where minorities are possible. Just another attempt to be as American as possible. Too much bad TV watching by that conservative group as kids I guess. Their mothers should have made them watch more "Beachcombers" and "King of Kensington."

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