
Post Mortem

Well, a day has passed since the election, and while we're still in a quiet period, it's pretty tough to get away from the constant analysis, only about 5% of which is of any constructive interest.

There's the to-be-expected talk about successors to Paul Martin, and a general agreement across the political spectrum that his consolation speech was pretty classy and strategically well timed. He's avoided a long drawn out process towards launching a new leadership campaign by withdrawing right away.

I was pondering when the Conservatives will haul out their country destroying ideas. Initially I thought, they will likely beleive that they can rule the world, and so will wait for a few months to "solidify" their base then start hauling out social conservative moves. Replacing judges, reversing basic human rights, cancelling rehabilitation while wondering why the prisons are filling up with recitivists. I realized that they might go for another approach, which is to capitalize on the disarray of the Liberals, and ram their nasty policies through immediately. That would satisfy their most red-neck supporters, and the house would be hesitant to bring down the government without a viable Liberal leader. The other parties would also worry about the populace being unhappy with the expense of another quick election.

A scary thought, as it is tantamount to holding the country hostage to radical legislation.

You can Run...
To get away from the constant election talk on the radio, I switched to BBC World News feeds, and re-broadcast it to my down-stairs radios to listen during lunch. Just my luck, they decide to talk about the Canadian election, and interview Ottawa's most right-wing crazy talk show host. This twit then goes on about how the liberals were demanding that people "turn over their children to the government to be raised at the age of 2 years old" What an asshole.

Nothing like lying to the outside world and making Canada look like a totalitarian society. How he could twist increasing subsidies for child care into that, I don't know.

So, despite my best efforts to avoid election talk, my run to BBC didn't work. I've since switched to NPR. It's pretty guaranteed that US radio won't talk about Canada.

A final word about Ottawa Centre: Turned out to be 66,000 Votes, with the finishing order of Dewar(NDP) taking it, followed by Liberals, CPC, Greens and the rest. Suprised there wasn't more Green support, but still taking 10% of the votes isn't too bad I guess. Dewar won with 37% of the vote.

Adieu until the next election

So, in the interest of letting this sit, I think I'll abandon this feed until the next go-around. I'm guessing it will be, at earliest, autumn 2006 and at latest early summer 2007. Lets hope the fabric of our society can hold it together until then.

Signing off...

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