
Are the Polls Accurate?

There sure has been a change in the polls, according to all the media sources. I always feel a the dirt oozing out of the press this time in an election campaign as certain media sources switch from simple bias to outright support of a party. Newspapers seem particularly bad for this. But anyway, that's just me.
On another note - here are things I wish the media would repeat more often - just simple facts, no bias required:

  • The "Conservatives" are the Reform and PC's combined, with many PC's having bailed out.
  • Stockwell Day would presumably be the new Minister of External Affairs
  • Polls are not very accurate anymore, as many people have cell phones, and refusal rates are very high.

Some stuff the Liberals should say (if they were running a better campaign).

  • Canada has the only surplus in the G8, and we're leading western nations in growth. If you want change, how exactly would you like those numbers to change?
  • There was not $200Million in lost money in the sponsorship scam - most of that went into spending on programs. There were a few millions stolen, but a bunch has been recovered.
  • Chuck Guité practiced his craft in under the conservatives & Mulroney
  • The sponsorship scam is not a bunch of crooked liberals - it's a bunch of crooked Quebec politicians and their cronies. There are probably just as many in among the other parties in that same circle of Montreal elitist politics & business types. BC is another hotbed of crooked politicians typically. And there are more peppered about the country. There are likely more in the Conservatives, fewer in the NDP - and the tree-hugging Greens are probably mostly clean.

Okay so that last they could never say, but I'm sure it's true

I've actually voted already - in Ottawa Centre - because my SO is going to be away on election day. As we went to the advanced poll, I figured I may as well vote then too.
I might have voted differently if I was to do it again today. Heard some decent interviews with Jack Layton, and figured he might be a decent choice. He talked about some of my favourite topics all around electoral reform. Namely - popular vote versus results and women in parliament.

I wish that someone could get a good vote for anyone-but-the-conservatives campaign going. I'm frightened we've got our on US experience about to start, with a religious right agenda sullying our government. Code words are flying around to hide the real words like intollerance, racism, destroying our national identity, erasing the Canada/US border, and eroding our social programs, health care principals and generally taking us back in a regressive regime.

C'mon people look at your ridings and choose anyone but them. Just think... Stockwell Day as our Foreign Affairs Minister.

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