Ignatief at the helm and the Liberals have approved the "Conservative" budget. I have a hard time finding a slate of policies that would endear me to any party. My morals and common sense tells me that bits of each platform adds up to responsible government. I'm rather surprised though, in the whole budget after the prorogation thing that:
a) Iggy didn't at least suggest a few constructive changes to the budget (spend more on this, less on that)
b) The "we already fixed it last year" conservatives could suddenly become the NDP
c) That Jack Layton isn't playing this a bit more astutely. Read more constructively, less attacky
I'll avoid too much policy picking, as this blog is focussed on the path to election(s). But my preferred play through this whole thing is that Iggy lets it lie enough that the spending gets going and money starts flowing, and the paperwork is in place for the programs, then pulls the plug.
My big concern is that the conservatives will be as lame at actually moving the funds as they have been for $billions announced years ago for city infrastructure funding that have barely moved.
So that next election, or movement to a much needed coalition is still a good 4-6 months away.