
Pre Christmas Calm

There is a strange detente in Canadian politics. I had expected an election by now, but there remains this strange stand-off based on the fact that the Conservatives can't gain any support, and thus would be stuck with the same situation after any election, and the liberals have a weak, uncharismatic leader.

The Bali climate change conference surely didn't win them any support, with his Smiling Smugness presiding over the portfolio. The eventual capitulation to acknowledge a slightly less pig-headed stance will not likely win many supporters over either, but rather there will be just a further sense of following the American position blindly. Interestingly, the pull-back by the American contingent is now being characterized as un-supportable by the White House. What will His Royal Smugitude do if they reverse their position post conference?

Anyway, I'm not sure how this gets resolved. Presumably, given a few month window, Dion might have the foresight to withdraw and let others take over. If they were smart they would secretly cue up a convention and have a re-vote with a short window. Or ideally, show a little leadership and have it all over the web and/or phone in voting.

We can only speculate what the new year will bring.